Invitation Read online

Page 4

  I hadn't been sure how to prepare for this visit. I had brought a toothbrush and some extra clothes. At work I’d taken a quick shower so I could smell like soap instead of the hospital. I had even shaved. Just my lower legs and underarms. No, that's not true. I had shaved nearly everywhere.

  As we pulled to a stop, Liam looked over at me. “I should have asked if this was okay.” He signaled the area around us with his hands. For the first time that evening, he looked a little nervous. “I mean, we could go to the movies or something. Hang out at your place.”

  The thought of us hanging out with Chloe made me laugh. “No, I like all your parts right where they are. Chloe would probably try to cut something off.” Liam looked alarmed. I smiled at him, but didn't go into the details. I didn't want any of the past there with me.

  I got out of the car. “And I'm the one who said no romance, no dates, no love crap.” He looked a little stunned. “Too harsh?” I asked.

  “No, Madison. At least I don't think so. I'm trying to decide if this is the best thing to ever happen, or if I'm going to really regret it.”

  I really doubted that he was going to regret it.

  When we got into his room, we sat down on the sofa, hands in our laps, backs straight. “So,” Liam started...

  It was strange sitting there about to negotiate the night's festivities. But I was also finding it insanely arousing. We had been apart five days and every extra second was just increasing the crazy sexual tension.

  I started with, “I enjoyed last time. We could start there.” We both laughed a little at the formality of my speech.

  He moved closer, pinning me against the arm of the sofa. “I enjoyed last time, too. But this time it's my turn to play.”

  “Okay,” I pretended to still be calm and rational, but I could barely breathe. The man made my body writhe with pleasure just looking at him. “But I have to keep my clothes on. Maybe not all of them, but some. Okay? That has to be okay.”

  He looked me over. I was wearing a t-shirt and a long skirt. He put his hand up under the hem of my skirt and grazed his fingers along my outer thigh. He touched my ass lightly. It sent tingles all down my body, and in-between my legs. My mouth was already open, panting a bit. “I think that will allow me access to the areas I need. So, agreed.”

  He scooped me up like I was light as a feather and carried me to his bed. He fluffed up the pillows and laid me back against them. But I sat straight back up and turned off the light.

  “It can't be like last time. I can't just be the whole center of attention. It's too embarrassing.”

  “Was I supposed to be embarrassed last time? Because I felt a lot of things, and embarrassed isn't one of them.”

  “Okay. Point taken. But I want to be able to, you know, respond if, you know, that seems like something I might want to do.”

  He lay down on his side, facing me. His lips were brushing against mine. He touched his tongue to my upper lip and then bit the lower one gently. His voice was hoarse with desire. “I can't talk about this anymore.”

  I started kissing him back and we were soon lost in each other. My lips were swollen and on fire. His tongue teased my lips open wider and then plunged in. Our tongues moved together, making each other crazy with excitement.

  My body wrapped around him. His arms moved up and down my back, sending shocks of electricity to my breasts and my center. Every time he touched me the feelings intensified. Soon I was almost dizzy with lust.

  He grabbed my ass, pushing my pussy against him. We were still fully clothed, but I could feel him throbbing. The pressure against me felt amazing. My breathing was heavy and my heart pounded.

  He rolled me onto my back and lay down on top of me gently. His hand moved forward onto my breast, and he cupped it tenderly. Sparks of pleasure flew through my body. He put his hand under my shirt, onto my stomach. Then he lowered his face to my stomach, and kissed me over and over again, moving closer to the edge of my skirt.

  “I need a minute,” Liam said. I didn't think I could wait. I put my hands in his luscious hair and held his face to my belly. I didn't push him downward, but God I wanted to. All I could think about was being sucked and licked by that beautiful mouth.

  Liam's breathing slowed a little, and he kissed my stomach again. This time when he moved lower, but I held his face and pulled it towards me. It turns out despite the overwhelming feeling of lust, I wasn't ready for anything so intimate. “Come up here and kiss me. I need you here.” He understood.

  We kissed slowly and intensely. Our mouths opened wide. Our tongues entwined. He sat up and ran his hands down my long skirt. Even through the fabric his fingers felt like fire. I was writhing with pleasure.

  Then he put a hand under the hem, and started stroking my skin. “Your legs are so beautiful. You have the softest skin.” As he talked, his hand reached higher and higher. I couldn't even answer him. My eyes were closed, my lips parted.

  I pulled his face up to mine and pressed my cheek against his. I wanted to smell his neck and his hair. I rubbed the front of his pants, but he held my wrist still. “Please,” Liam said. “Let me give you something first.”

  I knew I could trust him not to push for intercourse, or even oral sex. He kissed me all along my neck and whispered, “You are really, really lucky I'm so good with my fingers.”

  He moved his head down and gently bit my hard nipple through the thin t-shirt. I inhaled sharply. At the same time, his hand which had been stroking my inner thighs the whole time, suddenly pushed up against the wet fabric of my panties.

  He stroked along my cleft gently up and down until my hips were rising to meet him. Then he put his hand down the front of my panties and starting pushing them off. I lifted my hips to let him, and felt him smile. I lifted my feet one by one to get the panties off. He pulled the skirt all the way up until I felt the cool air on my pussy. He started stroking the skin beside my cleft. I was in another world. “Oh god. Oh my god.” I wanted to grab his hand and buck against it, but I made myself lie still.

  My legs were still tight together, and he put a hand on either thigh and moved them slightly apart. Then he spread my lower lips apart with his left hand, leaving me exposed to the air. “Spread your legs wider for me.” I should have felt embarrassed, but nothing could stop me by that point. With my outer lips still spread, he began touching the inner lips of my pussy. “You're so swollen. And so wet. Oh my god it's sexy.” My body was moving on its own by then. Waves of pleasure were building in me and I pushed my swollen throbbing pussy harder against his hand. He circled around and around my sweetest spot but wouldn't touch it. I was close to begging.

  He put his fingers inside me and moved them in and out. His left hand let go of my outer lips and he came back up to the pillows to kiss me more. As he did, his right hand, which had been moving inside me, slid up to my clitoris and stroked in soft slow circles. The pleasure was magical. I wanted it to last forever, but my body was climbing, begging for release.

  “Faster,” I practically sobbed. “Oh god, please don't stop. Please don't stop. I'm so close.” His rubbing increased in pressure and speed and soon my head was whipping side to side against the pillows, and my hands were all over him, pulling him closer. I kissed him harder and harder until I had to pull away to scream out. The waves pounded out from the center of me.

  He continued to stroke me very gently, and the waves kept coming and coming. I moaned and started kissing him again, but I was too weak to move anything more than that.

  I was on still throbbing, still on fire. “Again?” he teased and started moving in tiny soft circles around my clitoris. It was only seconds before my hips were writhing against him again and I was crying out again. “Liam, oh god, Liam.” I held on tightly to him as the orgasm ripped through me. I lay shuddering for a long time before I could breathe normally.

  He kissed me and smiled down at me. He looked pleased with himself, and rightly so. “Sweet, sweet Madison. That was just my fingers. Wait 'til you see wh
at I can do with my mouth.”

  I put my hand on his hot, hard penis. He lifted my hand to my mouth so I could lick it, then put it back down on him. I had planned a long, luscious sucking and licking for him, but he wrapped his hand around mine and moved them up and down his shaft. In seconds, he was coming. A wild almost painful groaning came from deep within him. He wrapped a hand through my hair and pulled my lips against his, hard.

  He was sweet, to be sure, but he was definitely a man. I had no doubt that he was going to take me to amazing places and then get what he needed too. I loved the sense of barely-controlled power that radiated from him when he was coming.


  By some miracle, we both had Saturday morning off, so we were able to sleep in a bit. I was lying in bed thinking how strange it was that I felt so comfortable there with Liam. I was remembering the events of the previous night.

  The memories aroused me, but they were slightly embarrassing, too. It's so much easier to be vulnerable and open in the middle of the night. The next morning is tricky. Especially when you're not even sure what you're doing or what you mean to each other. It wasn't like a one night stand with some guy you pick up in a bar. Not that I'd ever had one. But in the movies the people leave in the middle of the night, or sneak out in the morning.

  The fact that we were so comfortable together made the mornings a lot easier than that, but still, we weren't a couple, so we weren't expecting to hang out all day, right? I could see the value of all our rules, but I could also see how there might come a time when this all got really complicated.

  Liam was awake too, and rolled toward me. “Feeling ok?” he asked.

  “I feel better than I have in a very long time, and I think you know it.” I gave his well-built chest a quick kiss. I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I did the early morning bathroom necessities, particularly the tooth brushing.

  His apartment was freezing, so I was shivering by the time I made it back to bed. I pushed on his shoulder and flipped him over onto his back. I didn't know the morning rules, but I figured I could make some of my own. I reached under the blanket and found him hard and long. He moaned as I touched him. “I'm sorry you didn't get to have enough attention last night”, I teased. “I can't believe I just fell asleep. Well, more like passed out. That was intense.”

  He grinned. “Yeah, that was definitely fun.”

  “But here you are. All unsatisfied.” I started rubbing him, stroking up and down his shaft. He reached for me, trying to pull my t-shirt off.

  I froze. I suddenly felt like bursting into tears. “I'm so sorry. I'm a mess.” I tried to lighten the mood a little. “They're going to kick me off Pediatrics and send me to Psychiatry.” We both laughed lightly. He lifted my hand to his face and started kissing my inner arm.

  “I think you're amazing,” he said. “I love that you're here with me. I think you're brave.”

  The conversation was getting a little heavy for a Saturday morning. I was relieved when his tone turned flirtatious again “You don't owe me an orgasm. We're not keeping score.” He paused, considering. “Well,” he joked, “I'm sort of keeping score. But I like when you're in the lead. It proves I'm extremely manly.” Just like uncomfortable tension was gone. I smiled and relaxed into his embrace.

  I lay there breathing in the delicious smell of him, feeling his muscular shoulders and chest. I realized that he was likely the sexiest and kindest guy I had ever run across and that if I was ever going to get over my past and all that pain, it was going to be with this man. I couldn't lose him. Whatever this was, I had to keep it.

  I wanted more nights like the previous night. I realized I wanted to have sex with him, probably frequently, and I had to figure out how to get myself to that point without freaking out. I had to push my boundaries a little.

  We started kissing and I made my way down to where he was swollen and hot. I gave him a long lick from his balls to his tip. He shuddered and grabbed for my head. I licked him over and over until his hips were rising up. I massaged his balls and when I stopped, he grabbed my hand and put it lower on the soft skin underneath them. “Press there,” he moaned and gasped as I did. I put my mouth around him and took him in again and again. His hips rocked and he moaned.

  “Wait.” I stopped, and looked up at him.

  “I want to look at you.”

  I didn't understand at first, until I saw he was tugging gently on the hem of my t-shirt. I was frightened. I hadn't been naked for anyone since the bad night. “I need to keep my underwear on.”

  “Stand up,” he told me and I did. He propped himself up on the pillows and looked at me standing beside the bed. “I won't touch you. But I want you to take off your skirt.” I stood paralyzed for a minute realizing that I wanted to be with this man. I wanted to please him, and I wanted to please myself. It was time.

  The light in the room was dim which gave me confidence. My skirt had an elastic waist and was easy to slide down. I pushed it down past my hips and it dropped to the ground with a rustle.

  I was in my white lace panties and my t-shirt. The cool air soon made my nipples hard and they pushed against my thin bra. I knew he could see them. “This is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.” I blushed and looked at the floor.

  “No, look at me.” I did. “Keep looking at me and take off your shirt.” My heart was pounding and my chest was heaving with fear, but I needed to do it.

  I pulled my shirt over my head quickly and tossed it onto the floor. I turned back to look into his eyes once again. “Oh, my god,” he said. “Look at you. I want to touch you everywhere. I want to lick every tiny part of you.”

  I felt braver than I ever had. He was looking at me the way you would look at a beautiful painting. It was nothing like my ex-boyfriend or those animals at the bar had looked at me. It wasn't love, we had agreed on that, but it was like he loved my body. And being with someone who was so openly adoring me gave me strength. He hadn't asked, but I reached behind me to unfasten my bra. I took it off and stood trembling in front of him.

  He shook his head in disbelief. “How is this happening? How is this gorgeous woman standing beside my bed?”

  He sat up on the edge of the bed. He held his hands out for me to take, if I wanted. Of course I did. He pulled me towards him and kissed my lips. He kissed my neck and my shoulders until electricity was buzzing along my entire body.

  He kissed my nipple. “You have the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen. Your whole body, your whole body is insane.” My back arched in pleasure, pushing my breast deeper into his mouth. I stayed motionless as he licked and lightly bit my nipples. I wrapped my fingers in his hair to pull him closer, and to steady myself. My legs were so weak I could barely stand. I dropped down onto my knees to lick his shaft again.

  He leaned back to watch. He was close. He closed his eyes and his head dipped back. He thrust up into my mouth and I took as much as I could again and again. I squeezed his balls gently and it pushed him over the edge. He grabbed my head and came hard. Yelling out with a pleasure so intense it sounded almost like pain.

  The spasms were powerful and long lasting. Eventually, he flopped onto his back, completely sated and relaxed. Once he was breathing normally again, he whispered, “Come here. It's time I showed you what my mouth can do.”

  I climbed up towards him, my knees on either side of his waist. He pulled me down to him until my breast was in his mouth. He flicked my nipples with his tongue until I was gasping.

  I was hot and swollen. My panties were sopping. He put his hand on my mound, pushing a finger along my cleft and I cried out. I was ready for him. I was so ready.

  Suddenly he stopped. “Did you hear that?” He focused on some sound I had not heard. Then we heard footsteps. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” He shook his head in disgust. Someone was banging on his door. “Honey? Honey? I know you're in there. I can see your car.”

  I froze. “I haven’t seen my mother for three months, and she shows up now.
Jesus Christ.”

  He rolled out from under me and got up. He jumped into a pair of pants, zipped up quickly, and stormed around the wall that hid the bed.

  I heard him open the door. I curled myself into a tiny ball and hid under the sheets. I was terrified that she'd come in and see me. I was terrified that she would see me and call me a slut. I started to hyperventilate.


  Liam somehow got rid of his mother and came back to bed. I tried to relax, but he must have seen something in my eyes. “What's wrong?”

  “I don't know,” I answered. “Nothing, really. I was just afraid she was going to come in here and see me naked and start yelling.” My voice broke. The lump in my throat made it hard to swallow.

  I got up and started to get dressed. Liam grabbed a shirt. “You could stay a while,” he offered, but we both knew that the moment had passed. We couldn't be intimate with the threat of his mother’s return looming over us, and we weren't a real couple who could make scrambled eggs and read the paper. Or whatever it is mature people are supposed to do.

  “No, I'll go.”

  “We'll both go. I'm starved.” I smiled to myself. When was this guy ever not starved?

  “But first,” he pulled me to the sofa, and sat us both down. “Why did you think my mother would start yelling”? He chuckled, but I didn't think anything was very funny. “She would just freeze and then back up really slowly on her high heels, and we would all pretend it never happened.”

  “I bet.”

  “No, seriously. What's this about?”

  “Are you sure you want to deal with this right now?”

  “We're already dealing with this right now. You might as well tell me the story.”

  I flopped back against the sofa. I had been so determined to just have some fun. Why was this coming up? And why did I have to ruin a great morning with all my crap?